Deminor Wiki - Association of Litigation Funders of England and Wales (ALF)

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What is the "Association of Litigation Funders of England and Wales (ALF)"?

The Association of Litigation Funders of England and Wales (ALF) is an independent self-regulatory body that represents the interests of third-party litigation funders operating in England and Wales.

Established in 2011 under the guidance of the Civil Justice Council, ALF aims to promote best practices, uphold ethical standards, and ensure transparency within the litigation funding industry.


Litigation Funding in England & Wales

Litigation funding, also known as third-party funding, involves a financial entity providing capital to cover legal costs in exchange for a portion of the financial recovery in the event of a successful lawsuit.

The Association of Litigation Funders (ALF) is an independent organisation entrusted by the Ministry of Justice to oversee the self-regulation of litigation funding in England and Wales. The ALF’s establishment aligned with the introduction of the Code of Conduct for Litigation Funders, created by the Civil Justice Council, a public advisory body responsible for advising the UK Government and judiciary on civil justice matters.

The Civil Justice Council approved the creation of the ALF and the Code of Conduct, alongside notable figures such as the Master of the Rolls Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury and Lord Justice Jackson. This Code was developed after extensive research by a dedicated Working Party with input from legal professionals, academics, and business stakeholders.

As a leading litigation funder in the UK, Deminor is an active and proud member of the Association of Litigation Funders (ALF), playing a vital role in shaping and supporting the UK Litigation Funding Industry. Through its active participation in ALF, Deminor contributes to the industry's development, upholds best practices, and ensures the highest standards of integrity and transparency in litigation funding.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the ALF is to support the development of a well-regulated litigation funding market that is fair, transparent, and accountable. The organization seeks to establish a framework where funders, lawyers, and claimants can operate with mutual trust and clarity.

ALF’s key objectives include:

  1. Promoting ethical standards: Through its Code of Conduct, ALF ensures that its members adhere to principles of transparency, fairness, and integrity in their dealings with clients and other stakeholders.
  2. Encouraging regulatory dialogue: ALF works closely with legal institutions, policymakers, and the Civil Justice Council to contribute to the ongoing development of regulations that govern the litigation funding industry.
  3. Enhancing industry credibility: By enforcing strict membership criteria and a robust code of conduct, ALF aims to strengthen the reputation of litigation funding as a legitimate option for financing legal claims.
  4. Facilitating access to justice: ALF advocates for the role of litigation funding in improving access to justice, particularly for individuals and businesses who may lack the financial resources to pursue their legal rights.

Code of Conduct

ALF’s Code of Conduct serves as a benchmark for the practices of its member funders. The code sets out guidelines and requirements that members must adhere to, including:

  • Capital adequacy: Ensuring that members have sufficient financial resources to cover their funding commitments throughout the lifecycle of the cases they support.
  • Transparency in funding agreements: Members are required to clearly communicate the terms of any funding arrangement, including the structure of fees, repayment terms, and any conditions that might impact the claimant.
  • Non-interference: ALF’s code prohibits funders from taking control over the legal proceedings, preserving the independence of legal counsel and the integrity of the judicial process.
  • Dispute resolution mechanisms: ALF provides procedures for addressing disputes between funders and litigants, promoting fair resolution processes.


Membership in the ALF is open to litigation funders who can demonstrate adherence to the association’s standards, including financial stability and ethical practices. Members are required to maintain sufficient capital to meet their funding obligations and to operate in a manner consistent with the ALF's Code of Conduct. The association regularly monitors its members for compliance, helping to build trust in the litigation funding market.

Role and Impact in the Legal Sector

The ALF has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of litigation funding in England and Wales. By advocating for high standards and promoting self-regulation, ALF has helped to establish litigation funding as an accepted practice within the legal system. Its efforts have contributed to greater confidence in litigation funding among claimants, law firms, and the judiciary.

The association also serves as a resource for legal professionals and the public, providing guidance on how litigation funding can be used effectively. This role has been especially important as litigation funding has become more mainstream, allowing parties with legitimate claims to pursue legal redress without bearing the financial risks associated with litigation.

Influence and Advocacy

ALF actively engages with legal regulators and policymakers in England and Wales to ensure that the interests of both funders and claimants are represented in discussions about the legal framework governing litigation funding. The association’s advocacy efforts focus on creating a regulatory environment that supports innovation while maintaining high standards of ethical conduct. ALF’s contributions have been instrumental in shaping the perception and regulation of litigation funding, fostering an environment where the practice can continue to evolve.