Deminor Assists Investors in Recovering Their Losses
We originate, manage and fund investment-related litigation internationally.
Deminor's unrivalled track record in investment recovery
We assist investors in the recovery of their losses through funded litigation worldwide. Our clients are leading asset managers, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds who operate on a global basis. By funding court actions and protecting our clients from adverse party costs, we transform their legal claims into tangible assets.
We do not initiate class actions. We work in the exclusive interest of our clients in order to maximise their recovery through direct legal actions.
We have built an unrivalled track record over the past 30 years. We have actively supported 76 recovery cases in 22 different jurisdictions. In 77.8% of all concluded cases, Deminor's clients achieved a positive recovery. The average duration of all concluded cases was 4.2 years.
Why Deminor?
When investors suffer losses, they need a solid partner at their side. As a sign of our commitment, we put our own capital at stake in our clients’ cases. By funding court actions and protecting our clients from adverse party costs, we transform their legal claims into tangible assets.
We stand by our clients and are determined to achieve recoveries for them.
We have the international expertise and financial power to assist clients in pursuing claims anywhere. We only take on good causes and we will not compromise on our values.
- We have an exceptional track record: We are proud of our track record. Over the course of our over thirty years of experience, 77.8% of our cases have led to recoveries.
- We relentlessly pursue our clients’ legal claims: In the end, what matters most to our clients is the net amount paid at the end of each case. We approach each case with the determination required to maximise our clients’ recovery potential.
- We conservatively manage risks: We protect our clients against certain risks associated with litigation by taking on those risks ourselves. We are only able to bear these risks because we carefully select new cases and only pursue actions that can realistically lead to significant recoveries.
- We offer competitive conditions: Our fees reflect our drive to provide cost-efficient solutions for our clients, while never compromising the quality of our work.
- We speak our clients’ language: We understand that our people are the key to our success. Our multilingual in-house lawyers have been trained at major international law firms and work on cases in tight-knit teams. We advise our clients on a personal level, offering tailored solutions to successfully recover their losses.
- We communicate honestly and transparently: Our transparent assessment of our clients’ recovery potential
and our commitment to regular and effective communication
set us apart. - We build long-term relationships with our clients: We are passionate about protecting our clients’ interests. The loyal commitment we have to our clients builds long-term relationships that enable us to make a positive impact on their financial performance.
Your success is our success:
We are only paid when we win or settle your case.
Deminor handles all litigation costs and receives a percentage of the losses recovered.
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success rate
Our business proposition
Clients do not incur any upfront fees/expenses or litigation risk.
Deminor pays all fees and expenses and protects clients against litigation risk.
In exchange for our services, investment and risk protection, we charge a contingency fee on the recovery obtained.
- Court fees: In most jurisdictions courts charge fees/expenses either up-front or when a decision is issued.
- Other fees/expenses: External consultants, experts, Deminor’s hours performed, office and travel expenses, translation expenses, etc.
- Lawyer’s fees: In most jurisdictions lawyers charge on the basis of hourly rates or retainer fees.
- Litigation risk: In certain jurisdictions, courts can order the losing parties to pay an indemnity covering the legal fees/expenses of the winning party.

Do you want to join a recovery case?
How it works in practice
Case notification
You receive a case notification through a case alert or DAMS.
Reviewing trading data
You provide Deminor with your trading data.
Eligibility check
Deminor checks your eligibility and provides you with the estimation of your losses.
You enter into a contract with Deminor
Deminor implements the strategy, e.g. issuance of court action with the active support of local counsel
Regular updates
You are regularly updated about the case progress
Acceptance decision
You make all important decisions e.g., acceptance of a settlement
Execution of the settlement or court judgement
Case closed
Do you want to stay informed of new potential recovery opportunities?
Subscribe to our monthly alert and monitoring service, DAMS.