2016, Japan Clients of Deminor reached an in-court settlement before the Tokyo...
2017, U.S. Deminor filed claims with the Madoff Victim Fund for more than 4,000...
2018, Cayman Islands Deminor advised shareholders of Zhaopin, the operator of...
2017, Luxembourg Deminor advised and represented more than 800 investors in the...
2017, Italy A group of former minority institutional and private shareholders...
2015, France Deminor obtained a judgement before the court of appeal of Paris...
2015, The Netherlands Deminor reached a settlement with Royal Imtech N.V....
2014, Italy In connection with the Parmalat fraud in 2003, Deminor reached a...
2013, U.S. Deminor reached an opt-out settlement on behalf of a group of...