Governance and Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors has put in place a robust governance framework, the cornerstones of which are effective decision-making, strong control mechanisms and risk monitoring, transparency, accountability and compliance with laws, regulations and ethical codes.
The Board of Directors is composed of three executive directors (Erik Bomans, Charles Demoulin and Edouard Fremault) and five non-executive directors (Pierre Nothomb, Bernard Thuysbaert, Xavier van Campenhout, André Birget and SDMS BV, represented by Arnold Benoot). One non-executive director (André Birget) is classed as being independent.
The Board is responsible for all major decisions, approval of budgets, business plans and financial statements, internal controls, risk monitoring, executive remuneration, stakeholder engagement and all other matters that are not within the responsibility of the management committee. Deminor's accounts are audited by an external audit firm.
Group & Shareholder Structure
Deminor is a group of companies owned by the shareholders of Deminor Recovery Services (Luxembourg) SA.

Deminor is the trade name of a group of companies headed by Deminor Recovry Services (Luxembourg) SA, with registered office at 1 rue Jean-Pierre Brasseur, L-1258 Luxembourg, registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg under number B017529, and subscribed capital of EUR 2,542,104.
DRS Belgium SRL, whose registered office is located at Sablon Tower – 19th Floor Rue Joseph Stevens 7, 1000 Brussels (Belgium), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Deminor Recovery Services (Luxembourg) SA. Other subsidiaries are Deminor France SAS (Paris), DRS Italia SRL (Milan), Deminor Recovery Services (USA) Inc (New York), Deminor Recovery Services (UK) Ltd (London) and Deminor Recovery Services (HK) Ltd (Hong Kong). We also have offices in Hamburg, Madrid and Stockholm.
Services are performed, as the case may be, by Deminor Recovery Services (Luxembourg) SA, its subsidiaries and/or offices.
The performance of services by Deminor Recovery Services (Luxembourg) SA, its subsidiaries and/or offices may be subject to certain regulatory restrictions. Please contact us for more information about the services that we can offer in your particular country of interest.
Shareholder & governance services are operated by a company distinct of Deminor Recovery Services (Luxembourg) SA named Deminor SA that trades under the name “Deminor NXT”. There are no corporate links between Deminor Recovery Services (Luxembourg) SA and Deminor SA.